Gwinnett County Tax Department (Georgia)

A Treasurer and Tax Collector in Gwinnett County, Georgia is responsible for collecting local taxes and disbursing these funds, including property taxes. Gwinnett County Treasurers and Tax Collectors maintain a number of tax-related records, including property tax assessments, parcel numbers, local tax assessments, appraisal values, and information on individuals with delinquent taxes. These Gwinnett County tax departments may provide information on tax payment plans, tax refunds, tax liens, and foreclosures. Some offices also handle business taxes and licensing as well as vehicle taxes and registration. Treasurers and Tax Collectors provide a range of Gwinnett County tax information and services, which are accessible through their website.

Gwinnett County Tax Commissioner's Office Lawrenceville GA 75 Langley Drive 30046 770-822-8800 Suggest Edit

A Clerk in Gwinnett County, Georgia operates at the county or local level of government to maintain public records for their jurisdiction. In addition to keeping vital records like marriage licenses and birth certificates, Gwinnett County Clerk's Offices also have a number of tax-related records and provide services related to taxes. This includes records on property tax assessments, paid and unpaid taxes, delinquent taxes, and tax liens. Gwinnett County Clerk tax departments may also provide information on tax payment plans, tax refunds, and local foreclosures. In addition, some Clerk's Offices handle Gwinnett County business taxes and licenses as well as vehicle taxes and registration. Clerks provide access to many of their services and records online.

Dacula Clerk Dacula GA 442 Harbins Road 30019 770-962-0055 Suggest Edit

Gwinnett County Clerk Lawrenceville GA 75 Langley Drive 30046 770-822-7017 Suggest Edit

Suwanee City Clerk Suwanee GA 373 U.s. 23 30024 770-932-2917 Suggest Edit

An Assessor in Gwinnett County, Georgia works for the county or local government to determine the appraisal value of taxable property within its jurisdiction. This information is used to assess the taxes, including property taxes, owed by residents. Gwinnett County Assessors provide a number of tax-related services, including parcel searches, tax payment plans, tax refunds, and liens. The Gwinnett County tax department may also keep records on foreclosures, properties with delinquent taxes, and tax payments, as well as property tax assessments and property tax payment schedules. Assessors provide access to many of their services and records online.

Gwinnett County Assessor's Office Lawrenceville GA 75 Langley Drive 30046 770-822-7212 Suggest Edit